Increasing Reports of Forced Evictions at IDP Camps

April 13, 2010

AFP reported yesterday on concerns that the homeless are being forcibly evicted from their settlements. This echoes reports from last week on efforts to force those staying at the Saint Louis de Gonzague school off the grounds. AFP writes:

The aid group Action Against Hunger on Sunday slammed Haiti’s forced evictions of hundreds of homeless quake victims from the pitch of the country’s national stadium.

“We are shocked at the way it has happened. There is no planning. There is no solution offered to the people who lived in the stadium,” unlike people evacuated from other camps, said Lucille Grosjean, spokeswoman for the France-based organization.

Beginning late Friday, contingents of the Haitian National Police began breaking down tents and other shelters in the Sylvio Cator stadium, almost three months after the January 12 quake killed more than 220,000 people and left 1.3 million homeless.

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