CEPR has been examining economic and political changes in Brazil since the early 2000s, when the country began to challenge policies advocated by Washington-based institutions and began to pursue a different set of economic and foreign policies.
El CEPR ha estado examinando los cambios económicos y políticos en Brasil desde principios de la década del 2000, cuando el país comenzó a desafiar las políticas defendidas por las instituciones con sede en Washington y empezó a aplicar una política económica y exterior distinta.
CEPR has been examining economic and political changes in Brazil since the early 2000s, when the country began to challenge policies advocated by Washington-based institutions and began to pursue a different set of economic and foreign policies.
El CEPR ha estado examinando los cambios económicos y políticos en Brasil desde principios de la década del 2000, cuando el país comenzó a desafiar las políticas defendidas por las instituciones con sede en Washington y empezó a aplicar una política económica y exterior distinta.
· Op-Ed/Commentary
BrazilLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld Brazil's Sudden Neoliberal U-TurnCEPR / October 11, 2015
· Op-Ed/Commentary
BrazilLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld Brazil Needs New Economic Program to Jump-Start Growth and EmploymentMark Weisbrot / September 04, 2015
· Op-Ed/Commentary
BrazilLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld O futuro do Brasil de LevyMark Weisbrot / September 04, 2015
· Op-Ed/Commentary
BrazilLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld Brazilian Media Takes on Political ProjectCEPR / August 19, 2015
· Op-Ed/Commentary
BrazilLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld Brazil Will Need to Reverse Course In Order to Revive EconomyMark Weisbrot / August 07, 2015
· report
BrazilLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld Demanda agregada e a desaceleração do crescimento econômico brasileiro de 2011 a 2014CEPR / August 03, 2015
· report
BrazilLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld Aggregate Demand and the Slowdown of Brazilian Economic Growth from 2011-2014CEPR / July 29, 2015
· Op-Ed/Commentary
BrazilGlobalization and TradeIMFLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld Why is the US Government Still Hiding What They Did to Brazil in 1998?CEPR / June 08, 2015
· Op-Ed/Commentary
BrazilLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld A Brief Look at Brazilian Social MovementsCEPR / May 21, 2015
· Op-Ed/Commentary
BrazilGlobalization and TradeIMFLatin America and the CaribbeanWorldWorld Trade Organization Investing in Agriculture in Developing Countries: the Whole World Says Yes, but the WTO Says NoDeborah James / March 31, 2015