CEPR covers issues on the economy as related to law and government.
CEPR analiza temas económicos relacionados con la ley y el gobierno de EEUU.
CEPR covers issues on the economy as related to law and government.
CEPR analiza temas económicos relacionados con la ley y el gobierno de EEUU.
· Op-Ed/Commentary
GovernmentUnited States What Will Feds Do About Corporate Bailout Bill Corruption? Look to Walmart’s Opioid Case/ TALKING POINTS MEMO / April 08, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
COVID-19GovernmentPrivate Equity Profiteers Plunder Hospitals, Then Line Up for Federal SubsidiesEileen Appelbaum / WACO TRIBUNE-HERALD, LEHIGH VALLEY EXPRESS-TIMES / April 07, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
COVID-19Economic GrowthGovernmentUnited States Save the StatesCEPR / March 31, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
COVID-19GovernmentHealth and Social ProgramsUnited StatesWorkers Use Work-sharing Unemployment Insurance to Pay People to Stay HomeDean Baker / THE HILL / March 27, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
COVID-19GovernmentHealth and Social ProgramsUnited States The US Response to COVID-19: What’s in Federal Legislation and What’s Not, but Still NeededEileen AppelbaumShawn Fremstad / March 26, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
COVID-19GovernmentHealth and Social ProgramsUnited States The McConnell Slush Fund — Size MattersDean Baker / March 25, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
COVID-19GovernmentHealth and Social ProgramsUnited States Donald Trump and Steven Mnuchin Are Not About to Become Law Abiding CitizensDean Baker / March 24, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Affordable Care ActCOVID-19GovernmentHealth and Social ProgramsUnited StatesWomen Obamacare Has Been a Great Improvement for Women; Now It’s Time to Do Even BetterEileen Appelbaum / March 23, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
GovernmentHealth and Social ProgramsUnited States Yes, This is an Emergency. No, That Doesn’t Justify a $500 Billion Trump/Mnuchin Slush Fund.Dean Baker / March 22, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
COVID-19GovernmentHealth and Social ProgramsUnited States The No-One-in-the-GOP CARES Act Bails Out Airlines, Does Little for Public Health or Workers’ JobsDean BakerEileen AppelbaumMark Weisbrot / March 20, 2020