Andrés is a senior research fellow with CEPR. He is an academic and policy researcher with expertise on money and technology, government procurement, development planning macroeconomics, illicit financial flows, and finance and has authored several CEPR reports on Special Drawing Rights and Latin American economies. Andrés also has a broad policy background and experience in Ecuadorian government and electoral politics: he has served as balance of payments statistician for the Central Bank of Ecuador, financial policy advisor at the Ministry of Economic Policy of Ecuador, chief operating officer at the Central Bank of Ecuador, under secretary for public investment, deputy secretary for planning at the National Planning Secretariat of Ecuador, general director of the Ecuador’s National Service for Public Procurement Agency, and Minister of Knowledge and Human Talent of Ecuador. He has been a presidential and vice-presidential candidate.
Andrés has participated in international negotiations at the World Trade Organization, the Andean Community, MERCOSUR, UNASUR, and with the European Union, among others. He has participated in civil society forums at the World Trade Organization and the International Monetary Fund and has written reports and articles for several civil society organizations on tax justice, economic and social human rights, investor-state dispute settlement, and financial transparency. Andrés supports cooperative rural financial associations in Latin America and advises technology companies on monetary and financial issues. He is regularly invited to conferences and seminars organized by think tanks in Latin America, Europe, and the United States. Andrés is a University of Michigan alum, has a FLACSO Ecuador masters, and obtained his PhD in financial economics from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.