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Article Artículo

George Osborne's Description of the Economy is Near-Orwellian

CEPRCEPR / July 26, 2013 26 Julio 2013

Article Artículo Economic GrowthEl Desarollo

Larry Summers’ Biggest Blunder

Dean BakerDean Baker / July 29, 2013 29 Julio 2013

Article Artículo Economic GrowthEl DesarolloGovernmentEl Gobierno

Cruel Arithmetic and President Obama’s Big Speech

Dean BakerDean Baker / July 29, 2013 29 Julio 2013

Article Artículo Latin America and the CaribbeanAmérica Latina y el Caribe

Friends for the Week: Members of Congress Critique the OAS

CEPRCEPR / July 25, 2013 25 Julio 2013

Press Release Comunicado de prensa GovernmentEl Gobierno

Budget Calculator Puts Costs of Programs and Cuts into Perspective

July 22, 2013 22 00:00:00 Julio 2013

Press Release Comunicado de prensa Affordable Care ActWorkersSector del trabajo

Is the ACA a Jobs Killer?

July 23, 2013 23 00:00:00 Julio 2013

Article Artículo

Responsible Budget Reporting

CEPRCEPR / July 22, 2013 22 Julio 2013

Report Informe Affordable Care ActHealth and Social ProgramsLos Programas Sociales y de SaludHealthcareWorkersSector del trabajo

The Affordable Care Act: A Hidden Jobs Killer?

Dean BakerDean Baker / July 23, 2013 23 Julio 2013

Article Artículo Affordable Care ActHealth and Social ProgramsLos Programas Sociales y de SaludWorkersSector del trabajo

Is the Affordable Care Act a Hidden Jobs Killer?

Dean BakerDean Baker / July 24, 2013 24 Julio 2013

Article Artículo GovernmentEl GobiernoWorkersSector del trabajo

No Matter How You Look At It, the Minimum Wage is Much Too Low

CEPRCEPR / July 24, 2013 24 Julio 2013

Article Artículo

Concerns Over Hyperinflation Dwindle

CEPRCEPR / July 24, 2013 24 Julio 2013

Article Artículo WorkersSector del trabajo

Class Power and Labor’s Falling Income Share

CEPRCEPR / July 23, 2013 23 Julio 2013

Article Artículo GovernmentEl GobiernoWorkersSector del trabajo

Low-wage Workers: Smarter, Older and Underpaid

John Schmitt and Janelle JonesJohn Schmitt y Janelle Jones / July 22, 2013 22 Julio 2013

Article Artículo

Detroit and Goldman Sachs: Makers and Takers

CEPRCEPR / July 22, 2013 22 Julio 2013

Article Artículo

Robert Samuelson Is One Third Right

Dean BakerDean Baker / July 25, 2013 25 Julio 2013

Article Artículo

Why Is Teva Being Given a Monopoly on Selling Plan B One-Step?

Dean BakerDean Baker / July 24, 2013 24 Julio 2013

Article Artículo

Harold Meyerson Mostly Right on Goldman and Speculation

Dean BakerDean Baker / July 24, 2013 24 Julio 2013