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Article Artículo GovernmentEl Gobierno

Lower Capital Gains Taxes Raise Deficit Projections

Dean BakerDean Baker / January 29, 2003 29 Enero 2003

Article Artículo Globalization and TradeGlobalización y comercio

Falling Exports Lead to Record Deficits for Month and Year

Dean BakerDean Baker / February 20, 2003 20 Febrero 2003

Report Informe BrazilBrasilGlobalization and TradeGlobalización y comercioLatin America and the CaribbeanAmérica Latina y el CaribeWorldEl Mundo

Paying the Bills in Brazil: Does the IMF Math Add Up?

Alan Barber, Dean Baker and Mark WeisbrotAlan Barber, Dean Baker y Mark Weisbrot / September 25, 2002 25 Septiembre 2002

Report Informe Economic GrowthEl DesarolloWorldEl Mundo

The Economic Costs of a War in Iraq: The Negative Scenario

Dean Baker and Mark WeisbrotDean Baker y Mark Weisbrot / December 01, 2002 01 Diciembre 2002

Report Informe Globalization and TradeGlobalización y comercioLatin America and the CaribbeanAmérica Latina y el CaribeWorldEl Mundo

The Relative Impact of Trade Liberalization on Developing Countries

Mark Weisbrot and Dean BakerMark Weisbrot y Dean Baker / June 12, 2002 12 Junio 2002

Article Artículo Economic GrowthEl DesarolloWorkersSector del trabajo

First the Hype, Now the Pain; Market's Fall Was Both Predictable and Predicted

Dean BakerDean Baker / June 27, 2002 27 Junio 2002

Article Artículo

Wall Street and Welfare: The "W" Solution

Dean BakerDean Baker / July 15, 2002 15 Julio 2002

Article Artículo WorkersSector del trabajo

No Picnic: Working on Labor Day

Dean BakerDean Baker / September 02, 2002 02 Septiembre 2002

Report Informe ArgentinaArgentinaGlobalization and TradeGlobalización y comercioLatin America and the CaribbeanAmérica Latina y el CaribeWorldEl Mundo

When ‘Good Parents’ Go Bad: The IMF in Argentina

Mark Weisbrot and Dean BakerMark Weisbrot y Dean Baker / April 02, 2002 02 Abril 2002

Report Informe ArgentinaArgentinaGlobalization and TradeGlobalización y comercioLatin America and the CaribbeanAmérica Latina y el CaribeWorldEl Mundo

The Role of Social Security Privitization in Argentina’s Economic Crisis

Dean Baker and Mark WeisbrotDean Baker y Mark Weisbrot / April 16, 2002 16 Abril 2002

Article Artículo Health and Social ProgramsLos Programas Sociales y de Salud

Social Security Report Kept From Terrorists

Dean BakerDean Baker / March 27, 2002 27 Marzo 2002

Article Artículo

Will Darth Vader Do Time? The Enron Saga Continues

Dean BakerDean Baker / May 08, 2002 08 Mayo 2002

Article Artículo GovernmentEl GobiernoWorldEl Mundo

Attack of the Clowns: The Real Bush is Back

Dean BakerDean Baker / May 23, 2002 23 Mayo 2002

Article Artículo Wall StreetEl Mundo Financiero

Profits Tumble in 2001, Non-Financial Sector Hard Hit

Dean BakerDean Baker / March 28, 2002 28 Marzo 2002

Report Informe ArgentinaArgentinaGlobalization and TradeGlobalización y comercioLatin America and the CaribbeanAmérica Latina y el CaribeWorldEl Mundo

What Happened to Argentina?

Mark Weisbrot and Dean BakerMark Weisbrot y Dean Baker / January 31, 2002 31 Enero 2002

Article Artículo Economic GrowthEl DesarolloHealth and Social ProgramsLos Programas Sociales y de Salud

The Social Security Sideshow

Dean BakerDean Baker / December 03, 2001 03 Diciembre 2001

Article Artículo GovernmentEl GobiernoHealth and Social ProgramsLos Programas Sociales y de Salud

Lying on Top

Dean BakerDean Baker / January 22, 2002 22 Enero 2002

Article Artículo GovernmentEl GobiernoHealth and Social ProgramsLos Programas Sociales y de Salud

Focus Group Economics

Dean BakerDean Baker / February 12, 2002 12 Febrero 2002

Article Artículo Health and Social ProgramsLos Programas Sociales y de Salud

Bush Commission: No Social Security Crisis

Dean Baker and Mark WeisbrotDean Baker y Mark Weisbrot / December 13, 2001 13 Diciembre 2001

Report Informe EnvironmentGovernmentEl GobiernoWorkersSector del trabajo

Hot Air over the Artic? An Assessment of the WEFA Study on the Economic Impact of ANWR Oil Drilling

Dean BakerDean Baker / September 04, 2001 04 Septiembre 2001