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Report Informe Intellectual PropertyPropiedad IntelectualUnited StatesEE. UU.

Innovation, Intellectual Property, and Development: A Better Set of Approaches for the 21st Century

Dean BakerDean Baker / July 25, 2017 25 Julio 2017

Article Artículo Intellectual PropertyPropiedad IntelectualUnited StatesEE. UU.

"There Is No Shortage of Economic Policies, Just Creative People in Policymaking Positions"

Dean BakerDean Baker / July 12, 2017 12 Julio 2017

Article Artículo InequalityLa DesigualdadIntellectual PropertyPropiedad IntelectualUnited StatesEE. UU.

How Intellectual Property Rules Help the Rich and Hurt the Poor

Dean BakerDean Baker / October 28, 2016 28 Octubre 2016

Article Artículo Globalization and TradeGlobalización y comercioInequalityLa DesigualdadIntellectual PropertyPropiedad Intelectual

Inequality As Policy: Selective Trade Protectionism Favors Higher Earners

Dean BakerDean Baker / October 27, 2016 27 Octubre 2016

Article Artículo Intellectual PropertyPropiedad IntelectualUnited StatesEE. UU.

EpiPen and the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Dean BakerDean Baker / September 12, 2016 12 Septiembre 2016

Article Artículo Intellectual PropertyPropiedad IntelectualUnited StatesEE. UU.

The Economics of Delinkage

Dean BakerDean Baker / September 12, 2016 12 Septiembre 2016

Report Informe Economic GrowthEl DesarolloIntellectual PropertyPropiedad Intelectual

Working Paper: Rents and Inefficiency in the Patent and Copyright System: Is There a Better Route?

Dean BakerDean Baker / August 22, 2016 22 Agosto 2016

Article Artículo Globalization and TradeGlobalización y comercioIntellectual PropertyPropiedad IntelectualUnited StatesEE. UU.

The Secret to the Incredible Wealth of Bill Gates

Dean BakerDean Baker / June 20, 2016 20 Junio 2016

Report Informe Intellectual PropertyPropiedad Intelectual

Publicly Funded Clinical Trials: A Route to Sustained Innovation with Affordable Drugs

Dean BakerDean Baker / March 01, 2016 01 Marzo 2016

Article Artículo Intellectual PropertyPropiedad IntelectualWall StreetEl Mundo Financiero

A Progressive Way to End Corporate Taxes

Dean BakerDean Baker / January 13, 2016 13 Enero 2016

Report Informe Health and Social ProgramsLos Programas Sociales y de SaludInequalityLa DesigualdadIntellectual PropertyPropiedad IntelectualWall StreetEl Mundo Financiero

Working Paper: The Upward Redistribution of Income: Are Rents the Story?

Kevin CashmanKevin Cashman / December 17, 2015 17 Diciembre 2015

Article Artículo Intellectual PropertyPropiedad IntelectualUnited StatesEE. UU.

President Obama’s Forum: High Theater on High Drug Prices

Dean BakerDean Baker / November 17, 2015 17 Noviembre 2015

Article Artículo Intellectual PropertyPropiedad IntelectualUnited StatesEE. UU.

Dangerous Thoughts on Alternative to Government Granted Patent Monopolies on Drugs

Dean BakerDean Baker / November 10, 2015 10 Noviembre 2015

Article Artículo Globalization and TradeGlobalización y comercioIntellectual PropertyPropiedad IntelectualTechnology

Losing Middle Class Jobs and Owning Technology

Dean BakerDean Baker / October 26, 2015 26 Octubre 2015

Article Artículo Health and Social ProgramsLos Programas Sociales y de SaludIntellectual PropertyPropiedad Intelectual

High Drug Prices and the Resistance of Intellectuals to New Ideas

Dean BakerDean Baker / October 06, 2015 06 Octubre 2015

Article Artículo Globalization and TradeGlobalización y comercioIntellectual PropertyPropiedad IntelectualUnited StatesEE. UU.

Why is Donald Trump's Tax Plan Ridiculed but the TPP Deal Gets a Pass?

Dean BakerDean Baker / October 06, 2015 06 Octubre 2015

Article Artículo Health and Social ProgramsLos Programas Sociales y de SaludIntellectual PropertyPropiedad IntelectualUnited StatesEE. UU.

End Patent Monopolies on Drugs

Dean BakerDean Baker / September 23, 2015 23 Septiembre 2015

Article Artículo Globalization and TradeGlobalización y comercioHealth and Social ProgramsLos Programas Sociales y de SaludIntellectual PropertyPropiedad IntelectualUnited StatesEE. UU.

Will President Obama Stand Up to the Drug Thugs?

Dean BakerDean Baker / September 21, 2015 21 Septiembre 2015

Article Artículo Economic GrowthEl DesarolloIntellectual PropertyPropiedad IntelectualUnited StatesEE. UU.

Bernie Sanders, Open Borders, and a Serious Route to Global Equality

Dean BakerDean Baker / August 03, 2015 03 Agosto 2015

Article Artículo Economic GrowthEl DesarolloHealth and Social ProgramsLos Programas Sociales y de SaludIntellectual PropertyPropiedad Intelectual

What the Export-Import Bank Debate Tells Us About Economists

Dean BakerDean Baker / July 29, 2015 29 Julio 2015