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Article Artículo HealthcarePrivate EquityUnited StatesEE. UU.

Warren’s New Bill Makes Private Equity’s Death Grip on Hospitals a Crime

Eileen AppelbaumEileen Appelbaum / June 11, 2024 11 Junio 2024

Article Artículo

The Productivity-Pay Gap and Phony Debates

Dean BakerDean Baker / June 08, 2024 08 Junio 2024

Article Artículo

Unemployment Was Still Below 4.0 Percent in May

Dean BakerDean Baker / June 07, 2024 07 Junio 2024

In the News Las últimas noticias

Why Friday’s Jobs Report Could Be One for the Record Books

June 06, 2024 06 Junio 2024

Article Artículo JobsTrabajosJobs and WagesUnemploymentUnited StatesEE. UU.Wages

Economy Generates 272,000 Jobs in May, Unemployment Edges Up to 4.0 Percent

Dean BakerDean Baker / June 07, 2024 07 Junio 2024

Article Artículo

No, the Saving Rate Is Not Near a Record Low

Dean BakerDean Baker / June 04, 2024 04 Junio 2024

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Here Are Some Ways To Maximize Your Vacation Days

June 04, 2024 04 Junio 2024

Article Artículo Economic Crisis and RecoveryCrisis económica y recuperaciónEconomic GrowthEl DesarolloJobsTrabajosUnited StatesEE. UU.WagesWorkersSector del trabajo

May Jobs Preview: What to Expect in the May Jobs Report

Dean BakerDean Baker / June 04, 2024 04 Junio 2024

Press Release Comunicado de prensa Human RightsInequalityLa Desigualdad

CEPR Senior Research Fellow Junius Williams Receives Honorary Degree from Amherst College

May 30, 2024 30 Mayo 2024

Article Artículo AfghanistanCEPR Sanctions WatchCubaIranNorth KoreaRussiaSanctionsSyriaVenezuelaVenezuela

CEPR Sanctions Watch May 2024

Article Artículo HaitiHaitiLatin America and the CaribbeanAmérica Latina y el CaribeUS Foreign PolicyPolítica exterior de EE. UU.WorldEl Mundo

Haiti News Round-Up No. 17: Transitional Presidential Council Selects Prime Minister

Jake JohnstonJake Johnston / May 30, 2024 30 Mayo 2024

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¿Por qué Ecuador tendrá que pagar intereses más altos al FMI por el nuevo acuerdo?

May 29, 2024 29 Mayo 2024

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Haiti Names New Prime Minister to Try to Lead Country Out of Crisis

May 28, 2024 28 Mayo 2024

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Is It Time to Raise or Scrap the Social Security Cap?

May 27, 2024 27 Mayo 2024

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Why Do Aid Groups Stay in Lawless Haiti?

May 25, 2024 25 Mayo 2024

Article Artículo

Global Warming and the Threat of Cheap Chinese EVs

Dean BakerDean Baker / May 25, 2024 25 Mayo 2024

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US Tries to Downplay Role in Haiti, But It’s Hard to Hide the Planes

May 24, 2024 24 Mayo 2024