Sneak Peek at the New

May 02, 2014

Dawn Lobell

CEPR’s webmaster has been hard at work overhauling and revamping CEPR’s (admittedly outdated) website, and we’re thrilled with the results so far. We wanted to give you an exclusive sneak peek at the new (click on the image below), but before we do, we would like to ask you to please make a donation to support this effort, as well as all of our research, analysis, outreach, publications – everything we do.

As you may know, CEPR consistently ranks number one in media hits per budget dollar, meaning that we run a very, very tight ship. Our webmaster (a team of one) and our communications directors (all two of them) have had their hands full over the past few months, keeping up with all of CEPR’s publications, articles, op-eds, press hits, blogs, interviews, radio and TV appearances all while working hard to get the new site up and running.

We really need your help for this last push. We hope to unveil the new site by early summer. Won’t you help us to make this goal? We think that the new will be worthy of your hard earned dollars, and we hope you agree.

Thanks for supporting CEPR! Look for the new website to debut in the next few months.

Warm Regards,
Mark, Dean and (the rest of the equally hardworking and dedicated) CEPR Staff

Sneak preview of the new

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