Mitch Daniels, Bush's OMB Director, Is Deluded About the Severity of the 2001 Recession

February 28, 2011

Morning Edition featured an interview with Mitch Daniels in which he was asked about whether he thought the Bush tax cuts were a good idea. Mr. Daniels, who was director of the Office of Management and Budget at the time, responded by saying that the tax cuts were widely credited (referring to the 2001 recession), “with the shallowness and the swiftness of recovery from that recession.”

In fact, the recession was not short and mild. It led to what was at the time the longest period without job growth since the Great Depression. NPR should have pointed out Mr. Daniels’ mistake.

[This is corrected from an earlier version, that confused Daniels’ wording to wrongly imply that he said most people did not notice the recession. He had actually said that they did not see the recession coming.]



Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics.


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