The Post Lashes Out at Effort by France and Germany to Impose Their Will On Fiscally Troubled Euro-Zone Nations

March 20, 2011

Sorry this one only seems to be available in print, but the Post had an editorial on Sunday (“The E.U.’s finger in the dike,” 3-20-2011: A20) that deserved attention. The piece rightly noted that the latest euro zone rescue package is again likely to come up short and also called attention to the continued under-capitalization of the major European banks. But it also lashed out against a “raw exercise of power by Berlin and Paris.”

Was the Post upset about demands that heavily indebted countries raise their retirement ages, end wage indexation or, in the case of Ireland, reduce their minimum wage? Nope, none of these demands struck any negative notes at the Post editorial board. The source of the Post’s anger was the demand that Ireland raise its 12.5 percent corporate income tax rate.


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