The Dead Young Invincibles: Obamacare Needs Healthy People, the Older the Better

December 30, 2014

The NYT apparently still doesn’t know that the young invincibles are dead. The idea that Obamacare needed young healthy people to enroll is one of the big myths that was killed in 2014. For the economics of the system to work, it needs healthy people to sign up. It is actually better for the system if they are older and healthy than younger and healthy because older people pay higher premiums.

Unfortunately the NYT is still confused on this basic point. In an article reporting on the situation with Obamacare in Kentucky, the NYT told readers:

“supporters say the private insurance exchanges will need robust business, including young and healthy customers that help balance the cost of sicker ones, to thrive.”

The point here is that it really doesn’t matter whether the people are young, it matters that some healthy people, who pay more in premiums than they get back in benefits, join the system.


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