Has Ohio Seen Higher Insurance Cost Growth than the Rest of the Country or Is Governor Kasich Just Making Stuff Up?

June 27, 2015

That’s what readers are asking after seeing a NYT piece on reactions to the Supreme Court’s ruling upholding the insurance subsidies in the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The piece gives comments from a number of people including John Kasich, the governor of Ohio and a likely candidate for the Republican presidential nomination.

“More typical was the response from Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, a likely Republican presidential candidate.

“‘The law has driven up Ohio’s health insurance costs significantly,’ he said, ‘and I remain convinced that Congress should repeal it and replace it with something that actually reduces costs.'”

There has been a sharp slowdown in the rate of health care cost growth across the country. While this slowdown preceded the passage of the ACA, the law has likely been a factor contributing to the slower growth in costs. If Ohio is actually seeing rising insurance costs due to the ACA then it would be an outlier from the experience in the rest of the country.

If this is the case, it would be interesting to know the reason for the higher costs in Ohio. Alternatively, Kasich may just be saying this for political purposes.


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