How Does the Washington Post Know Trump's View of National Security?

May 29, 2018

It is absolutely bizarre how the media continually feel the need to tell us what politicians think. The Washington Post was on the job today in an article that discussed Donald Trump’s threat to impose 25 percent tariffs on imported cars for national security. The article told readers:

“The president holds an expansive view of national security, describing imported products like steel or passenger sedans as worrisome threats to the United States.”

Really? How does the Post know that the president even has a view on national security?

This is a person that shows virtually zero evidence of coherent thought on anything. For five years he ran around the country insisting that President Obama was born in Kenya. He claims that global warming is a hoax invented by China to destroy the US economy.

If the Post has any reason to believe that Trump has a coherent view on anything, it should share it with its readers. Otherwise, it should stop fabricating things. Or as Donald Trump would say “Fake News!”


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