Beat the Press

Beat the press por Dean Baker

Beat the Press is Dean Baker's commentary on economic reporting. He is a Senior Economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR). To never miss a post, subscribe to a weekly email roundup of Beat the Press. Please also consider supporting the blog on Patreon.

It would be truly ironic if we were to transfer still more income upward, with increased subsidies for research and development, with the gains locked down by a small elite with their patent and copyright monopolies.
It would be truly ironic if we were to transfer still more income upward, with increased subsidies for research and development, with the gains locked down by a small elite with their patent and copyright monopolies.
Neoliberal types are just fine with all sorts of government interventions that redistribute income upward. They just get upset when the government intervenes in ways that redistributes from those on top to the rest of us.
Neoliberal types are just fine with all sorts of government interventions that redistribute income upward. They just get upset when the government intervenes in ways that redistributes from those on top to the rest of us.
If Washington Post reporters and editors had access to the Washington Post, they would know that the Federal Reserve Board was ostensibly worried about the economy growing too rapidly, thereby triggering inflation.
If Washington Post reporters and editors had access to the Washington Post, they would know that the Federal Reserve Board was ostensibly worried about the economy growing too rapidly, thereby triggering inflation.
The network’s coverage of the economy has been inflation, inflation, inflation 24-7. But inflation is not the whole story of the economy. We also have unemployment that is near 50-year low. That is a really big deal.
The network’s coverage of the economy has been inflation, inflation, inflation 24-7. But inflation is not the whole story of the economy. We also have unemployment that is near 50-year low. That is a really big deal.
The pattern of wage-growth we are seeing is not consistent with a wage-price spiral story. The Fed would be making a bad mistake if it raises rates as though it were responding to one.
The pattern of wage-growth we are seeing is not consistent with a wage-price spiral story. The Fed would be making a bad mistake if it raises rates as though it were responding to one.
Liberal/left parties around the world in recent decades, have not only often supported policies that weakened unions, but they have also supported policies that directly redistribute money from the traditional working class to people with more education.
Liberal/left parties around the world in recent decades, have not only often supported policies that weakened unions, but they have also supported policies that directly redistribute money from the traditional working class to people with more education.
It’s pretty hard to be happy about the May CPI report. It means lower real wages for workers and is another big piece of uncertainty in an economy shaking from both the pandemic and the war.
It’s pretty hard to be happy about the May CPI report. It means lower real wages for workers and is another big piece of uncertainty in an economy shaking from both the pandemic and the war.
With the media’s coverage of the economy focusing almost exclusively on inflation, it is not surprising that most people would expect inflation to pick up.
With the media’s coverage of the economy focusing almost exclusively on inflation, it is not surprising that most people would expect inflation to pick up.
We need some good old-fashioned “law and order,” the super-rich have to be forced to pay the money they owe on the estate tax.
We need some good old-fashioned “law and order,” the super-rich have to be forced to pay the money they owe on the estate tax.
Yellen said she did not anticipate large shocks to the economy. Politico implied from this “admission” that the $1.9 trillion American Recovery Plan Biden was a mistake.
Yellen said she did not anticipate large shocks to the economy. Politico implied from this “admission” that the $1.9 trillion American Recovery Plan Biden was a mistake.

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