Beat the Press

Beat the press por Dean Baker

Beat the Press is Dean Baker's commentary on economic reporting. He is a Senior Economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR). To never miss a post, subscribe to a weekly email roundup of Beat the Press. Please also consider supporting the blog on Patreon.

Repeal Section 230 protection and hold Internet intermediaries to the same sort of liability as their competitors in print and broadcast media.
Repeal Section 230 protection and hold Internet intermediaries to the same sort of liability as their competitors in print and broadcast media.
If shareholders can be empowered in ways that make them more able to control CEO pay, this could be a large step toward reducing income inequality.
If shareholders can be empowered in ways that make them more able to control CEO pay, this could be a large step toward reducing income inequality.
One of the key factors that will determine whether inflation ends up being a problem is the economy’s rate of productivity growth. Our ability to predict it is close to zero.
One of the key factors that will determine whether inflation ends up being a problem is the economy’s rate of productivity growth. Our ability to predict it is close to zero.
It is irresponsible to imply that these proposals involve some extraordinary commitment of resources. They do not.
It is irresponsible to imply that these proposals involve some extraordinary commitment of resources. They do not.
Taxing stock returns is better than taxing corporate profits for the simple reason that it is completely transparent.
Taxing stock returns is better than taxing corporate profits for the simple reason that it is completely transparent.
Those interested in preventing this sort of problem should be asking why highly paid executives at major semi-conductor manufacturers don’t seem to know their industry.
Those interested in preventing this sort of problem should be asking why highly paid executives at major semi-conductor manufacturers don’t seem to know their industry.
To my view, there is no economic policy that is worse in its outcomes than our system of patent monopoly financing for prescription drugs.
To my view, there is no economic policy that is worse in its outcomes than our system of patent monopoly financing for prescription drugs.
We need the cooperation of the whole world and the elimination of all the barriers to the production and distribution of vaccines.
We need the cooperation of the whole world and the elimination of all the barriers to the production and distribution of vaccines.
It might have been useful if the paper put the number in some context that would make its meaning clearer. But, it didn't.
It might have been useful if the paper put the number in some context that would make its meaning clearer. But, it didn't.
The threat of defamation suits is also very helpful in preventing lies from being pushed in the first place.
The threat of defamation suits is also very helpful in preventing lies from being pushed in the first place.

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