Beat the Press

Beat the press por Dean Baker

Beat the Press is Dean Baker's commentary on economic reporting. He is a Senior Economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR). To never miss a post, subscribe to a weekly email roundup of Beat the Press. Please also consider supporting the blog on Patreon.

It is important to place the potential size of the job loss in some context.
It is important to place the potential size of the job loss in some context.
Are New York Times reporters prohibited from talking about the Chinese and Russian vaccines? 
Are New York Times reporters prohibited from talking about the Chinese and Russian vaccines? 
The point is that we would want evidence on new strains to be shared as quickly as possible.
The point is that we would want evidence on new strains to be shared as quickly as possible.
Investment advisers are in the same relationship to the pension fund as the bartender is to the person worried about their drinking problem. The advisers are making money off the fund.
Investment advisers are in the same relationship to the pension fund as the bartender is to the person worried about their drinking problem. The advisers are making money off the fund.
I have no idea how high the Bitcoin enthusiasts will push up its price. The one prediction in which I feel very confident is that it is not about to become a currency that will replace traditional currencies.
I have no idea how high the Bitcoin enthusiasts will push up its price. The one prediction in which I feel very confident is that it is not about to become a currency that will replace traditional currencies.
The Green New Deal is a huge challenge to major financial backers of the Republican Party.
The Green New Deal is a huge challenge to major financial backers of the Republican Party.
The media have agency, but have thus far largely sought to pretend to just be observers.
The media have agency, but have thus far largely sought to pretend to just be observers.
Let’s imagine a world where our children weren’t constantly being told that they face a crushing debt burden, how would they know?
Let’s imagine a world where our children weren’t constantly being told that they face a crushing debt burden, how would they know?
The highly paid workers at the top of their profession face no career risk from making huge mistakes with massive consequences for society.
The highly paid workers at the top of their profession face no career risk from making huge mistakes with massive consequences for society.

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