CEPR has been examining economic and political changes in Brazil since the early 2000s, when the country began to challenge policies advocated by Washington-based institutions and began to pursue a different set of economic and foreign policies.
El CEPR ha estado examinando los cambios económicos y políticos en Brasil desde principios de la década del 2000, cuando el país comenzó a desafiar las políticas defendidas por las instituciones con sede en Washington y empezó a aplicar una política económica y exterior distinta.
CEPR has been examining economic and political changes in Brazil since the early 2000s, when the country began to challenge policies advocated by Washington-based institutions and began to pursue a different set of economic and foreign policies.
El CEPR ha estado examinando los cambios económicos y políticos en Brasil desde principios de la década del 2000, cuando el país comenzó a desafiar las políticas defendidas por las instituciones con sede en Washington y empezó a aplicar una política económica y exterior distinta.
· Op-Ed/Commentary
BrazilLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld Police Violence and Forced Evictions in São Paulo: An Interview with Benedito “Dito” BarbosaCEPR / September 25, 2014
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BrazilLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld NYT Has Determined That Brazil's Neo-Liberal Policies Were Necessary to Allow GrowthDean Baker / August 26, 2014
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BrazilLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld The World Cup Has Come and Gone and Brazil Didn’t Crash and BurnCEPR / August 01, 2014
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ArgentinaBoliviaBrazilEcuadorLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld How Have Latin America’s Political Leaders Responded to Israel’s Siege on Gaza?CEPR / July 21, 2014
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BrazilGlobalization and TradeIMFLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld BRICS’ New Financial Institutions Could Break a Long-Standing and Harmful MonopolyMark Weisbrot / July 18, 2014
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BoliviaBrazilLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld Does the US Have a Double Standard When it Comes to Spying on Latin America?CEPR / July 11, 2014
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ArgentinaBrazilGlobalization and TradeIMFLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld The Supreme Court Declines to Review Widely Opposed Ruling on Argentine Debt: Why?Mark Weisbrot / June 22, 2014
· Op-Ed/Commentary
BrazilLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld Another US Spying Problem in Latin America: The US Drug Enforcement AgencyMark Weisbrot / June 20, 2014