CEPR investigates economic and social policies that affect, as well as methods of measuring, levels of hardship, poverty and inequality in the U.S.
CEPR investiga las políticas económicas y sociales que afectan, así como los métodos para medir, los niveles de adversidad, pobreza y desigualdad en los Estados Unidos.
CEPR investigates economic and social policies that affect, as well as methods of measuring, levels of hardship, poverty and inequality in the U.S.
CEPR investiga las políticas económicas y sociales que afectan, así como los métodos para medir, los niveles de adversidad, pobreza y desigualdad en los Estados Unidos.
· report
InequalityWorkers Working Families and Economic Insecurity in the States: The Role of Job Quality and Work SupportsShawn FremstadRebecca RayHye Jin Rho / May 19, 2008
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Economic GrowthGovernmentInequality Exit, Pursued By Bear StearnsDean Baker / March 25, 2008
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Economic GrowthInequality Thrifty ThinkingDean Baker / February 26, 2008
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Economic GrowthInequality Raising Taxes to Bail Out Robert RubinDean Baker / February 25, 2008
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Economic GrowthInequality Own to Rent? Yes We Can!Dean Baker / February 15, 2008
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Health and Social ProgramsInequality The Cost of LivingDean Baker / January 01, 2008
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Economic GrowthInequality Santa Claus Comes to Wall StreetDean Baker / December 24, 2007
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Inequality Own-to-Rent: The Right BailoutDean Baker / October 22, 2007
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Economic GrowthEuropeInequalityWorkers The Real Economic CrisisDean BakerJohn Schmitt / October 14, 2007
· Op-Ed/Commentary
InequalityWorkers Millions of Americans in Economic Battle to Make Ends MeetCEPR / October 13, 2007