It's Hard to Get Information About the Economy at the Washington Post: Michael Gerson Edition

December 16, 2014

I have often commented about the apparent difficulty of obtaining reliable information about the economy in downtown Washington, DC, as demonstrated by the news and reporting in the Washington Post. Michael Gerson gave us more evidence today in his column criticizing populism of the left and right. At one point he mocks Hilary Clinton for her populist rhetoric noting that her ties to Robert Rubin and concerns for the bond market make it unconvincing.

Gerson then adds:

“Some baggage can never be checked. And some of us find her past association with economic sanity to be reassuring.”

Of course what Gerson is describing as “economic sanity” are the policies that gave us massive trade deficits, and the stock and housing bubbles. These policies are likely to result in close to ten trillion in lost output over the first two decades of this century. They have resulted in millions of lost jobs and homes. It would difficult to find an example of more disastrous economic policies being pursued in any major developed country. Obviously, if Gerson was able to get data on the economy he would not be associating Robert Rubin’s policies with economic sanity. 



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