Labor Market Policy Research Report, September 1-9, 2016

September 16, 2016

The following reports on labor market policy were recently released:

Center for American Progress

Raising Wages and Rebuilding Wealth
Carmel Martin, Andy Green, Brendan Duke

Center for Economic and Policy Research

No Big Deal: The Impact of New York City’s Paid Sick Days Law on Employers
Eileen Appelbaum, Ruth Milkman

Institute for Women’s Policy Research

The Gender Wage Gap: 2015; Annual Earnings Differences by Race and Ethnicity
Ariane Hegewisch, Asha DuMonthier



State of Working Wisconsin 2016
Laura Dresser, Joel Rogers, Javier Rodriguez S.


Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Monetary Rules and Targets: Finding the Best Path to Full Employment
Carola Binder, Alex Rodrigue

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