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Number of people killed in the earthquake in 2010: over 217,300
Minimum number of Haitians killed by the U.N.–caused cholera epidemic: 8,774
Number of years it took after the introduction of cholera for the international community to hold a donor conference to raise funds for the cholera response: 4
Amount pledged for cholera eradication: $50 million
Amount needed: $2.2 billion
Number of years it would take to fully fund the cholera-eradication plan at current disbursement rate: 40
Number of Haitians who died from cholera through the first 8 months of 2014: 55
Number who have died since, coinciding with the start of the rainy season: 188
Number of new cholera cases in 2014, through August: 9,700
Projected number of cholera cases for all of 2014, after the United Nations reduced their estimate in September 2014: 15,000
Minimum number of new cholera cases since that announcement: 14,000 (through December 8)
Number of U.N. lawyers who were present during oral arguments in a federal court in New York to argue in favor of the U.N.’s immunity: 0
Number of members of the U.S. Congress who wrote to Secretary General Ban Ki-moon last month urging the U.N. to respond justly to cholera claims: 77
Humanitarian funding appeal for 2014, by the United Nations: $157 million
Percent of appeal covered, as of December 30, 2014: 54 percent
Minimum amount raised by tax on international phone calls that is supposed to be allocated to the National Education Fund: $95.6 million
Number of students the Haitian government says have received free tuition as a result: 1.3 million
Estimated amount missing from the Education Fund in 2012: $26 million
Number of principals and other school officials arrested for fraudulently receiving benefits from National Education Fund: at least 29
Percent of school-age children in school in 2001: 78
Percent in 2012: 90
Number of years the World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank have funded similar tuition waiver programs: 8
Poverty rate in 2012: 58.5 percent
Poverty rate in rural areas in 2012: 74.9 percent
Extreme poverty in rural Haiti in 2000: 38 percent
Extreme poverty in rural Haiti in 2012: 38 percent
Percent of income held by the richest 20 percent: 64
Percent of income held by the poorest 20 percent: Less than 1
Percent of Haitian workers who have a job yet earn less than the minimum wage: 60
Percent less that women earn as compared to men: 32
Percent by which per capita GDP is lower today than it was in 2000: 2.7
Dollar amount of textile exports to the United States in fiscal year 2012/13: $387.7 million
Percentage points of GDP growth these exports accounted for in that year: 0.32[i]
Percent of textile exports to the United States made with local goods: 0.6
Minimum amount committed by the Inter-American Development Bank and United States to the Caracol Industrial Park and related infrastructure: $482.9 million[ii]
Total amount of budget support to the Haitian government since the earthquake: $340.2 million
Number of jobs at the Caracol industrial park as of September 2014: 4,156
Estimated number of jobs that will be created, according to the U.S. State Department: 65,000
Estimated amount of tax revenue collected from Caracol’s largest tenant over first 15 years of operations: $0
Minimum amount spent by USAID on feasibility and other studies for a planned port in northern Haiti, which was never built: $4.25 million
Number of apparel factories with a union presence, before earthquake: 1
Share of apparel factories in Haiti where there is at least a partial union presence now: Over one-half
Minimum number of workers fired for apparent union activity, since 2011: 223[iii]
Number of people still living in tent camps, as of September 2014: 85,432
Percent decrease from its peak: 93.7
Share of this decrease that return programs (rental subsidy & other programs) were responsible for: 16.7 percent
Percent of remaining IDPs that are “not targeted” for return programs: 81.5
Number of individuals living in informal settlements on outskirts of Port-au-Prince, not counted in official displaced population, according to Haitian government: 300,000
Number of new homes built by international reconstruction efforts, as of October 2014: 9,032
Planned number of new homes originally to be built with USAID support: 15,000
Original planned cost of those new homes: $53 million
Current planned number of new homes to be built: 2,600
Actual cost: More than $90 million
Minimum cost for additional work on 750 houses in Caracol that were found to be built with substandard materials: $4.5 million
Number of projects financed by Venezuela’s Petrocaribe program: 268
Total projected cost: $1.7 billion
Share of Haitian government’s capital expenditure financed by Petrocaribe: 25 percent
Total debt cancellation for Haiti since 2010: $895 million
Total public debt, as percent of GDP, in fiscal year 2009/10: 13.0
Total public debt, as percent of GDP in fiscal year 2013/14: 19.8
Interest payments on external debt, as percent of GDP in fiscal year 2013/14: 0.1
Percent of total external public debt owed to Venezuela through Petrocaribe Initiative: 84.7
Total amount committed by international donors and NGOs since 2010, according to the Haitian government: $9.3 billion
Amount disbursed: $7.6 billion
Total number of projects funded by donors since 2010: 2,262
Total amount awarded in contracts and grants by USAID: $1.5 billion[iv]
Percent that went directly to Haitian organizations: 1[v]
Percent that went to firms located inside the beltway (DC, Maryland and Virginia): 56
USAID’s goal for local procurement in Haiti: 17 percent
Amount of USAID funds earmarked for local procurement in 2015: $5.5 million
Total amount awarded to Chemonics International, a for-profit development company, since the earthquake: $216 million[vi]
Performance bonus paid to Chemonics CEO Richard Dreiman last year: $2.5 million[vii]
Amount awarded directly to Haiti’s Ministry of Health (one of the only government institutions to receive direct funding) by the U.S. government: $170.9 million[viii]
Percent of children under five years suffering from chronic malnutrition, 2006: 29
Percent of children under five years suffering from chronic malnutrition, 2012: 22
Number of hospitals, out of 48 total, which were put out of service by the earthquake: 37
Minimum number of cities where health facilities have been renovated, with U.S. support: 9
Percent of Haitian government’s budget that went to health ministry in 2014: 5.3
Minimum number of sexual abuse allegations against the U.N. mission in Haiti, MINUSTAH, since 2007: 94[ix]
Percent of total U.N. troops worldwide, stationed in Haiti: 7.2
Share of total worldwide sexual abuse allegations against U.N. troops that MINUSTAH has accounted for over the last 2 years: 1 in 4 [x]
Months that partial legislative and local elections have been delayed: 39 and counting
Number of “municipal agents” named by President Martelly to replace elected mayors whose terms expired in 2012: 130
Share of Senate seats currently empty due to lack of elections: One-third
Number of members of the 99-seat Chamber of Deputies whose terms expire on January 12, 2015: 99
Percent of parliament represented by women: 4
Number of environmental monitoring officers deployed in 2014, to protected areas: 150
Percent of land covered by forest: Less than 3
Number of seedlings planted between 2010 and 2014: 5.5 million
[i] Author’s calculation.
[ii] Calculation based on numbers from IADB productive infrastructure programs, GAO report from 2014, and a new $15 million commitment from the U.S.
[iii] Calculation based on numbers in reports from Better Work Haiti and the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.
[iv] Author’s calculations based on data from and USAID.
[v] Ibid.
[vi] Author’s calculation based on data from
[vii] From personal communication with Chemonics spokesperson.
[viii] Author’s calculation based on data from
[ix] Author’s calculation based on data from U.N. Conduct and Discipline Unit.
[x] Ibid.