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Article Artículo Economic Crisis and RecoveryCrisis económica y recuperaciónInequalityLa DesigualdadIntellectual PropertyPropiedad Intelectual

Changes that Would Make a Difference in the Biden Administration

Dean BakerDean Baker / October 30, 2020 30 Octubre 2020

Article Artículo InequalityLa Desigualdad

Washington Post Reports on How Top Execs at Bankrupt Companies Get Large Bonuses

Dean BakerDean Baker / October 27, 2020 27 Octubre 2020

Article Artículo COVID-19CoronavirusEconomic Crisis and RecoveryCrisis económica y recuperaciónGovernmentEl GobiernoUnited StatesEE. UU.

The Rise in Material Hardship Among Working-Class Whites and How It Could Impact the 2020 Election

Article Artículo Economic Crisis and RecoveryCrisis económica y recuperaciónInequalityLa DesigualdadIntellectual PropertyPropiedad Intelectual

Yet Another Diatribe on Patent Monopolies and How They Are Not Talked About in Polite Company

Dean BakerDean Baker / October 26, 2020 26 Octubre 2020

Article Artículo COVID-19CoronavirusEconomic Crisis and RecoveryCrisis económica y recuperaciónInequalityLa DesigualdadIntellectual PropertyPropiedad Intelectual

Waiting for a Vaccine and the Collaborative Research Alternative

Dean BakerDean Baker / October 16, 2020 16 Octubre 2020

Article Artículo EcuadorEcuadorIMFFondo Monetario InternacionalLatin America and the CaribbeanAmérica Latina y el CaribeWorldEl MundoWorld Bank

Ecuador’s New Loan Program: A Tale of Two IMFs

Lara MerlingLara Merling / October 15, 2020 15 Octubre 2020

Article Artículo COVID-19CoronavirusEconomic Crisis and RecoveryCrisis económica y recuperaciónInequalityLa DesigualdadIntellectual PropertyPropiedad Intelectual

Waiting for a Vaccine: Killing for Inequality

Dean BakerDean Baker / October 11, 2020 11 Octubre 2020

Article Artículo Health and Social ProgramsLos Programas Sociales y de SaludInequalityLa DesigualdadUnited StatesEE. UU.

Outdated Assumptions Mask True Poverty Rate

Shawn FremstadShawn Fremstad / October 07, 2020 07 Octubre 2020

Article Artículo COVID-19CoronavirusGovernmentEl GobiernoHealth and Social ProgramsLos Programas Sociales y de SaludUnited StatesEE. UU.WorldEl Mundo

If You Could Save a Million Lives, Would You Do It?

Mark WeisbrotMark Weisbrot / October 02, 2020 02 Octubre 2020

Report Informe COVID-19CoronavirusGovernmentEl GobiernoUnited StatesEE. UU.

The US Postal Service Is a National Asset: Don’t Trash It

Max B. SawickyMax B. Sawicky / September 29, 2020 29 Septiembre 2020

Article Artículo COVID-19CoronavirusEconomic Crisis and RecoveryCrisis económica y recuperaciónInequalityLa DesigualdadIntellectual PropertyPropiedad Intelectual

It’s Not Vaccine Nationalism, It’s Vaccine Idiocy

Dean BakerDean Baker / September 22, 2020 22 Septiembre 2020

Article Artículo DemocracyEcuadorEcuadorLatin America and the CaribbeanAmérica Latina y el CaribeWorldEl Mundo

Political Trials and Electoral Bans: the Battle for Democracy in Ecuador

Guillaume LongGuillaume Long / September 18, 2020 18 Septiembre 2020

Article Artículo Economic Crisis and RecoveryCrisis económica y recuperaciónInequalityLa DesigualdadIntellectual PropertyPropiedad Intelectual

The U.S., China, and the New Cold Warriors

Dean BakerDean Baker / September 07, 2020 07 Septiembre 2020

Article Artículo COVID-19CoronavirusUnited StatesEE. UU.WorkersSector del trabajo

Labor Day under Coronavirus and Depression: What is Our Government Doing to Labor?

Mark WeisbrotMark Weisbrot / September 04, 2020 04 Septiembre 2020

Article Artículo Globalization and TradeGlobalización y comercioInequalityLa DesigualdadIntellectual PropertyPropiedad Intelectual

Seeing the Last Acceptable Prejudice Clearly: The More Educated Screwed the Less-Educated

Dean BakerDean Baker / September 02, 2020 02 Septiembre 2020

Article Artículo Affordable Care ActEconomic Crisis and RecoveryCrisis económica y recuperaciónInequalityLa Desigualdad

Are Corporate CEOs Worth $20 Million?

Dean BakerDean Baker / August 31, 2020 31 Agosto 2020

Article Artículo GovernmentEl GobiernoInequalityLa DesigualdadUnited StatesEE. UU.

Brief Interview with Mark Weisbrot on the US Election, the Trump Presidency, and the Impact of Protests 

Mark WeisbrotMark Weisbrot / August 28, 2020 28 Agosto 2020

Press Release Comunicado de prensa Economic PolicyInequalityLa Desigualdad

New Federal Reserve Monetary Policy is Encouraging, CEPR Economist Says

August 27, 2020 27 Agosto 2020

Article Artículo Economic Crisis and RecoveryCrisis económica y recuperaciónInequalityLa Desigualdad

Seattle’s High-End Wage Tax and Taxing Stock Returns

Dean BakerDean Baker / August 24, 2020 24 Agosto 2020

Article Artículo COVID-19CoronavirusEconomic Crisis and RecoveryCrisis económica y recuperaciónInequalityLa DesigualdadIntellectual PropertyPropiedad Intelectual

Financing Drug Development: What the Pandemic Has Taught Us

Dean BakerDean Baker / August 11, 2020 11 Agosto 2020