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Press Release Comunicado de prensa EnvironmentUnited StatesEE. UU.

Cut Gas Price Inflation: Six Climate-Friendly Alternatives to the Gas Tax Holiday

April 22, 2022 22 00:00:00 Abril 2022

Article Artículo EnvironmentInequalityLa DesigualdadUnited StatesEE. UU.

Earth Day is a Time to Consider Better Responses to High Gas Prices: Free Public Transit and Other Ideas

Algernon AustinAlgernon Austin / April 22, 2022 22 Abril 2022

Article Artículo EnvironmentUnited StatesEE. UU.

Antienvironmentalists in Never-Never Land: The Lake Powell Pipeline

Dean BakerDean Baker / April 04, 2022 04 Abril 2022

Article Artículo EnvironmentUnited StatesEE. UU.

The Historic Opportunities for Racial Equity in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

Anaïs Goubert and Algernon AustinAnaïs Goubert y Algernon Austin / February 02, 2022 02 Febrero 2022

Article Artículo EnvironmentHealth and Social ProgramsLos Programas Sociales y de SaludUnited StatesEE. UU.

Disaster Victims Shouldn’t Have to Run a PR Campaign to Get Federal Aid

Matt SedlarMatt Sedlar / January 03, 2022 03 Enero 2022

Article Artículo Climate ChangeEnvironmentGlobalization and TradeGlobalización y comercio

NYT Hypes Coal Industry Line About Job Loss Due to Climate Change Measures

Dean BakerDean Baker / December 08, 2021 08 Diciembre 2021

Article Artículo EnvironmentUnited StatesEE. UU.WorkersSector del trabajo

Extreme Temperatures from Climate Change Will Harm Workers

Anaïs GoubertAnaïs Goubert / November 16, 2021 16 Noviembre 2021

Article Artículo Economic Crisis and RecoveryCrisis económica y recuperaciónEnvironment

Imagine if Stopping Climate Change Was More Important than Making Climate Change Billionaires

Dean BakerDean Baker / November 14, 2021 14 Noviembre 2021

Article Artículo EnvironmentInequalityLa DesigualdadUnited StatesEE. UU.

Climate Change Will Harm All, But Will Disproportionately Impact Various Demographic Groups

Anaïs GoubertAnaïs Goubert / November 09, 2021 09 Noviembre 2021

Article Artículo EnvironmentUnited StatesEE. UU.

Combatting Global Warming: The Solution to China’s Demographic “Crisis”

Dean BakerDean Baker / November 03, 2021 03 Noviembre 2021

Article Artículo EnvironmentUnited StatesEE. UU.

Hurricane Ida Showed Us that Our Infrastructure Isn’t Ready for Climate Change

Algernon AustinAlgernon Austin / September 07, 2021 07 Septiembre 2021

Article Artículo Economic Crisis and RecoveryCrisis económica y recuperaciónEnvironment

Debt Doesn’t Go Away Just Because Senator Manchin and Others in Washington Choose Not to Think About It

Dean BakerDean Baker / September 02, 2021 02 Septiembre 2021

Article Artículo Environment

Cheap Talk from the Fed on Global Warming?

Dean BakerDean Baker / August 13, 2021 13 00:00:00 Agosto 2021

Article Artículo EnvironmentUnionsSindicato

0.16 Percent of All Workers are Union Members Employed by Utilities

Dean BakerDean Baker / July 16, 2021 16 Julio 2021

Article Artículo Affordable Care ActEnvironmentFinancial Transaction TaxGlobalization and TradeGlobalización y comercio

The Bitcoin Transactions Tax

Dean BakerDean Baker / June 23, 2021 23 Junio 2021

Press Release Comunicado de prensa EnvironmentJobsTrabajosUnited StatesEE. UU.

Interactive Tool Shows State-Level Employment Impact of Reducing Fossil Fuels

June 11, 2021 11 00:00:00 Junio 2021

Press Release Comunicado de prensa EnvironmentJobsTrabajosUnited StatesEE. UU.

Saving the Planet Is Not a Jobs Killer: The Employment Impact of Phasing Out Fossil Fuels

May 26, 2021 26 00:00:00 Mayo 2021

Report Informe EnvironmentUnited StatesEE. UU.WorkersSector del trabajo

The Employment Impact of Curtailing Fossil Fuel Use

Dean Baker and Aiden LeeDean Baker y Aiden Lee / May 26, 2021 26 Mayo 2021

Article Artículo EnvironmentUnited StatesEE. UU.

Paying by the Mile and Ending the Gas Tax

Dean BakerDean Baker / April 15, 2021 15 Abril 2021

Report Informe Economic GrowthEl DesarolloEnvironmentGovernmentEl GobiernoUnited StatesEE. UU.

How to Make Joe Biden’s Budget Better Part III: Financing a Green New Deal

Max B. SawickyMax B. Sawicky / March 11, 2021 11 Marzo 2021