The Hill Can't Remember Way Back to 1995 When Republicans Controlled BOTH Houses of Congress

October 02, 2013

If the Hill had anyone on staff old enough to remember the 1995 budget standoff surely they would have pointed out to readers that Republican Senator Richard Burr was being misleading when he unfavorably compared President Obama’s conduct in the current crisis to President Clinton’s conduct in the earlier standoff.

The Hill piece told readers:

“Burr said Obama has been much less involved in resolving the shutdown than then-President Clinton was in 1996. 

“‘The president is totally disengaged,’ Burr said. ‘The president in 1996 was engaged in an hour-by-hour basis.'”

The fact that President Clinton was the only party on the Democratic side that had to be included in negotiations might explain his more direct involvement in that standoff. In contrast, any agreement on the budget must get through the Senate before President Obama has a chance to sign or veto it. Under these circumstances, it should not be surprising that President Obama is playing a less active role in the negotiations than President Clinton did in 1995.
Thanks to Robert Salzberg for calling this one to my attention.


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