The Post Tells Readers That Small Banks Have More Power Than Big Banks

June 10, 2010

It’s great that the Post is able to find the truth in such matters. It told readers:

“For all of Wall Street’s money and power, it has been a different army of lobbyists that has proven most effective over the past year in shaping the financial overhaul legislation on Capitol Hill. Again and again, big banks have been outpaced by small-town interests, proving that even when it comes to overhauling financial regulation, politics really is local.”

Let’s see, two years ago the big banks were rescued from bankruptcy by the helping hand of Big Government. Today, they are again making record profits and awarding record bonuses to top executives. Congress never seriously considered breaking them up and taking away the implicit government security blanket of “too big to fail,” a subsidy that could be as much as $36 billion a year. It also is unlikely to impose the sort of Glass-Steagall separations that would prevent the big banks from speculating with taxpayer insured dollars.

Some people might think that this outcome suggests that the big banks are calling the shots. Thankfully we have the Post to tell us otherwise.


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