Washington Post Says Trump Seeks to Further Enrich Family, Friends, and Fellow Developers With Infrastructure Privatization Plan

May 24, 2017

Nope, that is not what the Washington Post said, instead it insisted to readers that the opposite is the case. The first sentence of a front page article on the Trump administration’s infrastructure plans told readers:

“The Trump administration, determined to overhaul and modernize the nation’s infrastructure, is drafting plans to privatize some public assets such as airports, bridges, highway rest stops and other facilities, according to top officials and advisers.”

I guess this is another case where we are relying on the extraordinary mind-reading skills of reporters, since the rest of us would not know that the administration is pursuing privatization plans because it is “determined to overhaul and modernize the nation’s infrastructure,” as opposed to making the Trump family and people like them even richer. The evidence of past privatizations might suggest the opposite.

While the piece does note some of the past failures of privatization projects, the framing in the first sentence attributes good faith in its motives which there is zero reason to assume. It is certainly possible that the Trump administration is acting in what it perceives to be the public good but it is also entirely possible that it is trying to further enrich a small group of wealthy people at the expense of everyone else.

The Post has no basis for its assertion that Trump administration actually gives a damn about the public interest.


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