Beat the Press

Beat the press por Dean Baker

Beat the Press is Dean Baker's commentary on economic reporting. He is a Senior Economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR). To never miss a post, subscribe to a weekly email roundup of Beat the Press. Please also consider supporting the blog on Patreon.

If the pandemic was already present in Europe by December of 2019 then China's actions in January 2020 could not have prevented its spread to the rest of the world.
If the pandemic was already present in Europe by December of 2019 then China's actions in January 2020 could not have prevented its spread to the rest of the world.
Now we can get another $1,400 per person with no trade-off for other forms of necessary spending. The $2,000 per person check is the closest thing in politics we will ever see to free money.
Now we can get another $1,400 per person with no trade-off for other forms of necessary spending. The $2,000 per person check is the closest thing in politics we will ever see to free money.
We should never take market outcomes as simple givens. We can structure the market in an infinite number of different ways.
We should never take market outcomes as simple givens. We can structure the market in an infinite number of different ways.
We should have been prepared to start inoculating millions of people the day a vaccine was approved.
We should have been prepared to start inoculating millions of people the day a vaccine was approved.
China also has produced several effective vaccines and is distributing them to developing countries.
China also has produced several effective vaccines and is distributing them to developing countries.
It's the world's largest economy and has been since 2017.
It's the world's largest economy and has been since 2017.
Yes, we absolutely have to view the Fed with suspicion, but it can play a positive role, and has so far in this crisis.
Yes, we absolutely have to view the Fed with suspicion, but it can play a positive role, and has so far in this crisis.
Every day we delay mass availability of a vaccine comes with an enormous cost. The question is what can be done now to accelerate the process of manufacturing and distributing vaccines as widely as possible as quickly as possible.
Every day we delay mass availability of a vaccine comes with an enormous cost. The question is what can be done now to accelerate the process of manufacturing and distributing vaccines as widely as possible as quickly as possible.
A lowered value dollar is essential for reducing our trade deficit, and a smaller trade deficit may be the only way for President Biden to restore the economy to full employment.
A lowered value dollar is essential for reducing our trade deficit, and a smaller trade deficit may be the only way for President Biden to restore the economy to full employment.
There is nothing in the NYT's piece indicating that the Chinese government had a clear understanding of the nature of the coronavirus before the beginning of January.
There is nothing in the NYT's piece indicating that the Chinese government had a clear understanding of the nature of the coronavirus before the beginning of January.

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