CEPR looks at the impact of international financial institutions, especially the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization, on economic growth, poverty rates, and trade around the world.
CEPR analiza el impacto de las instituciones financieras internacionales, -especialmente el Fondo Monetario Internacional- en el crecimiento económico, las tasas de pobreza y el comercio en todo el mundo.
CEPR looks at the impact of international financial institutions, especially the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization, on economic growth, poverty rates, and trade around the world.
CEPR analiza el impacto de las instituciones financieras internacionales, -especialmente el Fondo Monetario Internacional- en el crecimiento económico, las tasas de pobreza y el comercio en todo el mundo.
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Economic GrowthGlobalization and TradeUnited States Kudlow’s Fossilized Beliefs Could Lead Trump Further AstrayDean Baker / March 22, 2018
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Globalization and TradeWorld Steel Tariffs and Doctors: A Teachable Moment?Dean Baker / March 12, 2018
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Globalization and Trade We Know What Bad Trade Policy Looks Like. But What About Good Trade Policy?Dean Baker / March 05, 2018
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Globalization and Trade NYT Says the Price of Bacon Would Fall if NAFTA Is RepealedCEPR / January 23, 2018
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Globalization and Trade The Washington Post’s NAFTA Fantasy: 10 Years LaterDean Baker / December 07, 2017
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Globalization and Trade E-commerce and the World Trade OrganizationDeborah James / November 17, 2017
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Globalization and TradeIMFWorld A Discussion of the IMF’s Role in Globalization and the Effects of Its Policies on Developing CountriesCEPR / October 27, 2017
· Article
BrazilGlobalization and TradeIMFLatin America and the CaribbeanWorld Event Transcript – The Scorecard on Development, 1960–2016: China and the Global Economic ReboundCEPR / October 19, 2017
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Globalization and Trade Thomas Friedman Pushes the TPP JokeCEPR / October 18, 2017
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Globalization and TradeLatin America and the CaribbeanMexicoWorld Study Finds that Reversing NAFTA Would Lead to Gains In Productivity for All Three CountriesCEPR / October 18, 2017