CEPR analyzes and critiques US foreign policy, including through institutions where the US has outsized influence, such as the IMF and the Organization of American States, as well through direct US intervention in other countries.
CEPR analiza y critica la política internacional de EEUU, incluso a través de instituciones donde EEUU tiene una influencia descomunal, como el FMI y la Organización de Estados Americanos, así como a través de la intervención directa de EEUU en otros países.
CEPR analyzes and critiques US foreign policy, including through institutions where the US has outsized influence, such as the IMF and the Organization of American States, as well through direct US intervention in other countries.
CEPR analiza y critica la política internacional de EEUU, incluso a través de instituciones donde EEUU tiene una influencia descomunal, como el FMI y la Organización de Estados Americanos, así como a través de la intervención directa de EEUU en otros países.
· Op-Ed/Commentary
BoliviaLatin America and the CaribbeanOrganization of American StatesUnited StatesUS Foreign PolicyWorld A Tale of Two ElectionsMark Weisbrot / RAWSTORY / December 22, 2020
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HaitiLatin America and the CaribbeanUS Foreign Policy Protests, Repression Mark Police Chief’s First WeekJake JohnstonKira Paulemon / November 30, 2020
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HaitiLatin America and the CaribbeanUS Foreign Policy At Odds with Presidency, a Government Watchdog is Weakened by Executive DecreeJake JohnstonKira Paulemon / November 12, 2020
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BoliviaLatin America and the CaribbeanUS Foreign Policy Data from Bolivia’s Election Add More Evidence That OAS Fabricated Last Year’s Fraud ClaimsJake Johnston / October 21, 2020
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BoliviaLatin America and the CaribbeanUS Foreign PolicyWorld What the OAS Did to BoliviaMark Weisbrot / THE GUARDIAN / September 18, 2020
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BoliviaLatin America and the CaribbeanOrganization of American StatesUS Foreign PolicyWorld The OAS Misused Its Own Data to Help Fabricate Its Accusation of Fraud Against Evo MoralesDavid Rosnick / JACOBIN / September 08, 2020
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BrazilLatin America and the CaribbeanUnited StatesUS Foreign PolicyWorld Interview with Mark Weisbrot on the US Election, the Brazilian Economy, and US-Brazil RelationsMark Weisbrot / CARTA CAPITAL / September 06, 2020
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HaitiLatin America and the CaribbeanUS Foreign Policy State Department Awarded Contract to Politically Connected Security FirmJake Johnston / August 31, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
COVID-19IMFUS Foreign Policy Evans-Frantz: Sen. Leahy Should Lead on Global COVID ResponseCEPR / BRATTLEBORO REFORMER / August 14, 2020