CEPR analyzes and critiques US foreign policy, including through institutions where the US has outsized influence, such as the IMF and the Organization of American States, as well through direct US intervention in other countries.
CEPR analiza y critica la política internacional de EEUU, incluso a través de instituciones donde EEUU tiene una influencia descomunal, como el FMI y la Organización de Estados Americanos, así como a través de la intervención directa de EEUU en otros países.
CEPR analyzes and critiques US foreign policy, including through institutions where the US has outsized influence, such as the IMF and the Organization of American States, as well through direct US intervention in other countries.
CEPR analiza y critica la política internacional de EEUU, incluso a través de instituciones donde EEUU tiene una influencia descomunal, como el FMI y la Organización de Estados Americanos, así como a través de la intervención directa de EEUU en otros países.
· Article
EcuadorLatin America and the CaribbeanUS Foreign PolicyWorld The Political Exile of Ecuador’s Rafael CorreaDan Beeton / August 07, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Latin America and the CaribbeanUS Foreign PolicyWorld US Foreign Police Training Has Spawned Brutality Both At Home and AbroadBrett Heinz / CURRENT AFFAIRS / July 10, 2020
· Presentation
Economic Crisis and RecoveryGlobalization and TradeIMFUS Foreign PolicyWorld From a Broken Economy to a People’s Economy/ June 23, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
HaitiLatin America and the CaribbeanUS Foreign Policy The OAS Picks Sides in Haiti … AgainJake Johnston / June 04, 2020
· Briefing/Testimony
COVID-19HaitiLatin America and the CaribbeanUnited StatesUS Foreign Policy An Impending Crisis: COVID-19 in Haiti, Ongoing Instability, and the Dangers of Continued U.S. DeportationsJake Johnston / May 29, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
COVID-19Globalization and TradeIMFUS Foreign PolicyWorldWorld Bank We Can’t Trust the IMF and World Bank to Lead the COVID-19 RecoveryLara Merling / JACOBIN / May 28, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
COVID-19Latin America and the CaribbeanUS Foreign Policy ICE Confirms More than 100 Deportation Flights to 13 Countries in an Eight-Week PeriodJake Johnston / May 21, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
BoliviaLatin America and the CaribbeanOrganization of American StatesUS Foreign PolicyWorld Under Luis Almagro, the OAS is Advancing the Trump Agenda in Latin AmericaGuillaume Long / LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE / May 12, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
HaitiUS Foreign Policy Can Haiti’s Peanut Value Chain Survive US Generosity?/ May 05, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
COVID-19HaitiUS Foreign Policy The US Has Been Exporting COVID-19 to Haiti; Now, It Is Returning a Death Squad LeaderJake Johnston / May 05, 2020