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Press Release Comunicado de prensa BoliviaBoliviaLatin America and the CaribbeanAmérica Latina y el CaribeOrganization of American StatesOrganización de los Estados AmericanosWorldEl Mundo

CEPR Co-Director Warns of Possible Recurrence of OAS Electoral Fraud in Bolivia

October 15, 2020 15 Octubre 2020

Press Release Comunicado de prensa BoliviaBoliviaLatin America and the CaribbeanAmérica Latina y el CaribeOrganization of American StatesOrganización de los Estados AmericanosWorldEl Mundo

Bolivia Election Changes Will Make Results Less Transparent Than in 2019, CEPR Researchers Warn

October 14, 2020 14 Octubre 2020

Press Release Comunicado de prensa Economic Crisis and RecoveryCrisis económica y recuperaciónUnited StatesEE. UU.WorkersSector del trabajo

August Blue Collar Jobs Continue Slow, Uneven Recovery

October 07, 2020 07 Octubre 2020

Press Release Comunicado de prensa BudgetGovernmentEl GobiernoUnited StatesEE. UU.

The Economic Benefits of a Public US Postal Service

September 29, 2020 29 Septiembre 2020

Press Release Comunicado de prensa EcuadorEcuadorLatin America and the CaribbeanAmérica Latina y el CaribeWorldEl Mundo

Thirteen Former Latin American Presidents Warn of Severe Threat to Democracy in Ecuador

September 23, 2020 23 Septiembre 2020

Press Release Comunicado de prensa GovernmentEl GobiernoHealth and Social ProgramsLos Programas Sociales y de SaludInequalityLa DesigualdadUnited StatesEE. UU.

US Poverty Measure Fails to Meet Government Standards of Reliability, Accuracy, Timeliness, and Objectivity

September 15, 2020 15 Septiembre 2020

Press Release Comunicado de prensa BoliviaBoliviaLatin America and the CaribbeanAmérica Latina y el CaribeUS Foreign PolicyPolítica exterior de EE. UU.WorldEl Mundo

Congresistas estadounidenses piden que se investigue el papel de la OEA en la destrucción de la democracia boliviana

September 08, 2020 08 Septiembre 2020

Press Release Comunicado de prensa BoliviaBoliviaLatin America and the CaribbeanAmérica Latina y el CaribeUS Foreign PolicyPolítica exterior de EE. UU.WorldEl Mundo

US Members of Congress Call for Investigation of OAS Role in Destroying Bolivian Democracy

September 04, 2020 04 Septiembre 2020

Press Release Comunicado de prensa COVID-19CoronavirusEconomic Crisis and RecoveryCrisis económica y recuperaciónWorkersSector del trabajo

Uneven Job Growth in Some Blue Collar Sectors Reflects Chaotic State Coronavirus Policies

September 02, 2020 02 Septiembre 2020

Press Release Comunicado de prensa Economic PolicyInequalityLa Desigualdad

New Federal Reserve Monetary Policy is Encouraging, CEPR Economist Says

August 27, 2020 27 Agosto 2020

Press Release Comunicado de prensa BoliviaBoliviaLatin America and the CaribbeanAmérica Latina y el CaribeUS Foreign PolicyPolítica exterior de EE. UU.WorldEl Mundo

OAS Head Attempting to Expand His Power at the Expense of the Organization’s Human Rights Arm, CEPR Co-Director Says

August 26, 2020 26 Agosto 2020

Press Release Comunicado de prensa BoliviaBoliviaLatin America and the CaribbeanAmérica Latina y el CaribeUS Foreign PolicyPolítica exterior de EE. UU.WorldEl Mundo

Gran error de codificación revela otra falla garrafal en el análisis de la OEA sobre las elecciones bolivianas de 2019

August 25, 2020 25 Agosto 2020

Press Release Comunicado de prensa BoliviaBoliviaLatin America and the CaribbeanAmérica Latina y el CaribeUS Foreign PolicyPolítica exterior de EE. UU.WorldEl Mundo

Major Coding Error Reveals Another Fatal Flaw in OAS Analysis of Bolivia’s 2019 Elections

August 24, 2020 24 Agosto 2020

Press Release Comunicado de prensa COVID-19CoronavirusEconomic Crisis and RecoveryCrisis económica y recuperación

Consolidation Created Dairy Industry Unable to Adjust to Pandemic Stress

August 20, 2020 20 Agosto 2020

Press Release Comunicado de prensa COVID-19CoronavirusEconomic Crisis and RecoveryCrisis económica y recuperaciónInequalityLa Desigualdad

Housing Crisis by the Numbers: Trends and Disparities in Housing Insecurity Before and During the Pandemic

August 14, 2020 14 Agosto 2020

Press Release Comunicado de prensa BoliviaBoliviaLatin America and the CaribbeanAmérica Latina y el Caribe

International Community Should Condemn Violent Repression of Pro-Democracy Protests in Bolivia, CEPR Co-Director Says

August 12, 2020 12 00:00:00 Agosto 2020

Press Release Comunicado de prensa COVID-19CoronavirusEconomic Crisis and RecoveryCrisis económica y recuperaciónInequalityLa Desigualdad

In Competing Versions of Pandemic Relief Bills, One-Parent Families Lose

July 30, 2020 30 Julio 2020

Press Release Comunicado de prensa Health and Social ProgramsLos Programas Sociales y de SaludInequalityLa Desigualdad

Analysis Shows Impact of Pandemic on Employment of Disabled People

July 24, 2020 24 Julio 2020

Press Release Comunicado de prensa Health and Social ProgramsLos Programas Sociales y de SaludInequalityLa Desigualdad

The ADA and the Intersection of Race, Age, and Disability

July 23, 2020 23 Julio 2020

Press Release Comunicado de prensa COVID-19CoronavirusEconomic Crisis and RecoveryCrisis económica y recuperaciónHealth and Social ProgramsLos Programas Sociales y de SaludWorkersSector del trabajo

Young Workers Suffer More Than Other Age Groups in Pandemic-Stalled Labor Market

July 21, 2020 21 Julio 2020