Beat the Press

Beat the press por Dean Baker

Beat the Press is Dean Baker's commentary on economic reporting. He is a Senior Economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR). To never miss a post, subscribe to a weekly email roundup of Beat the Press. Please also consider supporting the blog on Patreon.


Cheap Talk from the Fed on Global Warming?

It’s easy for a high-level executive to say that they didn’t pay attention to the rantings of some obscure economist, it’s much harder for them to say they don’t bother looking at what the Fed chair says and the research it publishes.
It’s easy for a high-level executive to say that they didn’t pay attention to the rantings of some obscure economist, it’s much harder for them to say they don’t bother looking at what the Fed chair says and the research it publishes.
The burden of the debt and the debt service is such a trivial part of this picture, it’s hard to believe serious people would waste their time on it.
The burden of the debt and the debt service is such a trivial part of this picture, it’s hard to believe serious people would waste their time on it.
We had an alternative path that would have required the sharing of knowledge and expertise, and overriding patent rights. We did not go this path.
We had an alternative path that would have required the sharing of knowledge and expertise, and overriding patent rights. We did not go this path.
The fact that we are still seeing a saving rate that is well above the pre-pandemic level goes against the view that people would rush out and spend as soon as they had the opportunity.
The fact that we are still seeing a saving rate that is well above the pre-pandemic level goes against the view that people would rush out and spend as soon as they had the opportunity.
Ideally it would place patent rights in the public domain, both so that scientists around the world can quickly build on the new innovations produced by this research, and so that any vaccines developed can be sold as cheap generics.
Ideally it would place patent rights in the public domain, both so that scientists around the world can quickly build on the new innovations produced by this research, and so that any vaccines developed can be sold as cheap generics.
Few people who have analyzed the impact of QE following the Great Recession would dispute that it was responsible for several million jobs.
Few people who have analyzed the impact of QE following the Great Recession would dispute that it was responsible for several million jobs.
The piece implies that Republicans in Congress would be happy to go along with increased funding for tax enforcement if it were done by someone other than the IRS. There is absolutely zero reason to believe this is true.
The piece implies that Republicans in Congress would be happy to go along with increased funding for tax enforcement if it were done by someone other than the IRS. There is absolutely zero reason to believe this is true.
We all know that economic measures cannot fully capture the state of people’s well-being. A big part of that picture is the inadequacy of the CPI as a measure of the cost of living in any real sense.
We all know that economic measures cannot fully capture the state of people’s well-being. A big part of that picture is the inadequacy of the CPI as a measure of the cost of living in any real sense.
It would be nice if we could one day have a serious discussion of alternative mechanisms for financing research instead of acting as though the patent system came down to us from god.
It would be nice if we could one day have a serious discussion of alternative mechanisms for financing research instead of acting as though the patent system came down to us from god.

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