CEPR investigates economic and social policies that affect, as well as methods of measuring, levels of hardship, poverty and inequality in the U.S.
CEPR investiga las políticas económicas y sociales que afectan, así como los métodos para medir, los niveles de adversidad, pobreza y desigualdad en los Estados Unidos.
CEPR investigates economic and social policies that affect, as well as methods of measuring, levels of hardship, poverty and inequality in the U.S.
CEPR investiga las políticas económicas y sociales que afectan, así como los métodos para medir, los niveles de adversidad, pobreza y desigualdad en los Estados Unidos.
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Affordable Care ActHealth and Social ProgramsHealthcareInequality How Much Will Trumpcare Insurance Cost People with Health Issues?Dean Baker / October 01, 2020
· report
InequalityPoverty The Defining Down of Economic Deprivation: Why We Need to Reset the Poverty LineShawn Fremstad / September 30, 2020
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InequalityIntellectual Property Patent Monopolies in Prescription Drugs Cause Corruption # 43,508Dean Baker / September 30, 2020
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Economic Crisis and RecoveryInequality How’s that Recovery Going?Dean Baker / September 28, 2020
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Inequality Your Periodic Reminder that CEOs Maximize CEO Pay, Not Shareholder ReturnsDean Baker / September 24, 2020
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COVID-19Economic Crisis and RecoveryInequalityIntellectual Property It’s Not Vaccine Nationalism, It’s Vaccine IdiocyDean Baker / September 22, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Economic Crisis and RecoveryGlobalization and TradeInequalityIntellectual Property Trade Wars Are Class Wars: Even More than Klein and Pettis SayDean Baker / September 18, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Economic Crisis and RecoveryInequality Robert Samuelson Hangs It UpDean Baker / September 14, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Economic Crisis and RecoveryInequality Blue States are Not Wrong to Want to Restore the Deduction for State and Local TaxesDean Baker / September 08, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Economic Crisis and RecoveryInequalityIntellectual Property The U.S., China, and the New Cold WarriorsDean Baker / September 07, 2020