CEPR explores economic policies that affect the US health care and welfare systems. Visit the coronavirus issue page for our latest on the pandemic.
CEPR explora las políticas económicas que impactan los sistemas de salud y de bienestar de los Estados Unidos. Visite la página de problemas de coronavirus para conocer lo último sobre la pandemia.
CEPR explores economic policies that affect the US health care and welfare systems. Visit the coronavirus issue page for our latest on the pandemic.
CEPR explora las políticas económicas que impactan los sistemas de salud y de bienestar de los Estados Unidos. Visite la página de problemas de coronavirus para conocer lo último sobre la pandemia.
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Health and Social ProgramsUnited States Scamming the Country's Veterans: Efforts to Privatize Veteran Administration's Health SystemDean Baker / April 25, 2016
· Data Byte
Health and Social ProgramsUnited States CBO Marks Down Its Cost Estimates for the ACA’s Medicaid ExpansionCEPR / April 12, 2016
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Affordable Care ActHealth and Social ProgramsUnited StatesWorkers Will Obamacare End 'Job Lock'?Dean Baker / April 11, 2016
· report
Health and Social ProgramsUnited States Still Working Hard: An Update on the Share of Older Workers in Physically Demanding JobsDean BakerCherrie Bucknor / March 24, 2016
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Health and Social Programs Should Poor Workers Receive Less Social Security Because Rich Workers Are Living Longer?CEPR / March 03, 2016
· Op-Ed/Commentary
GovernmentHealth and Social Programs Robert Samuelson’s Candor DeficitDean Baker / February 14, 2016
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Health and Social ProgramsUnited States Over the Top: Who Pays More if We Raise the Social Security Payroll Tax CapCherrie Bucknor / February 03, 2016
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Health and Social ProgramsInequalityUnited States If Bill Gates Turned to Philanthropy: Publicly Funded Clinical Drug TrialsDean Baker / February 02, 2016
· Data Byte
Economic GrowthHealth and Social Programs Change in Personal Health Care Expenditures, 2000 to 2015Dean Baker / January 30, 2016
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Affordable Care ActHealth and Social ProgramsWall Street Mission Possible: Breaking Up the Big Banks and Universal MedicareDean Baker / January 20, 2016