• Jobs
  • Sanctions
  • Haiti

June Jobs Preview: What to Expect in the June Jobs Report

Get a preview of the June jobs report and gain valuable insight into the diverging pictures of the labor market.
/ July 02, 2024
Two individuals are working at a desk cluttered with two laptops, papers, and pencils. One person is holding a pencil, pointing at a document discussing the June jobs report, while the other listens attentively.

view more on Jobs

Economy Generates 272,000 Jobs in May, Unemployment Edges Up to 4.0 Percent

/ June 07, 2024

May Jobs Preview: What to Expect in the May Jobs Report

/ June 04, 2024

CEPR Sanctions Watch June 2024

Learn about the global impact of sanctions. Stay updated on the latest sanctions-related developments and their consequences.
A poor man in a colorful shirt and green cap sits on a bench next to a box, while another man in a white shirt stands by a cart trying to earn a living. The poor surroundings show the effects of sanctions and the toll they take on the people.

view more on Sanctions

State Department’s Symbolic Step on Cuba Only Provokes Regional Frustration Over Sanctions

/ June 17, 2024

CEPR Sanctions Watch May 2024

First Kenyan Forces Arrive in Haiti as Part of Latest Foreign Intervention

Discover the details of the Kenyan security forces mission in Haiti. Learn about the context, challenges, and expected outcomes of this deployment.
/ June 26, 2024
A group of uniformed soldiers are seen descending from an airplane. One soldier in front waves the Kenyan flag. The Kenyan forces, wearing helmets and face masks, are emerging from the aircraft onto a staircase upon their arrival in Haiti. Credit: CLARENS SIFFROY.

view more on Haiti

Haiti News Round-Up No. 17: Transitional Presidential Council Selects Prime Minister

/ May 30, 2024

Haiti and Development: Learning from Successes

  • Fondo Monetario InternacionalFondo Monetario Internacional
  • ArgentinaArgentina

Más DEG para América Latina y el Caribe: una oportunidad en tiempos de múltiples crisis

El presente informe evidencia que las emisiones de derechos especiales de giro (DEG) son un instrumento idóneo para mitigar los efectos de las múltiples crisis que los países de América Latina y el Caribe enfrentan en la actualidad.
and y / November 21, 2023 21 Noviembre 2023

Más de IMF

Entrevista con Mark Weisbrot sobre las elecciones en Argentina

/ November 20, 2023 20 Noviembre 2023

La creciente carga de la deuda en los países del Sur Global: Un obstáculo para los objetivos climáticos y de desarrollo

, and , y / November 03, 2023 03 Noviembre 2023

Entrevista con Mark Weisbrot sobre las elecciones en Argentina

Janine Jackson, autora, directora de programa y productora/presentadora del programa de radio semanal CounterSpin de FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting), entrevistó el lunes a Mark Weisbrot, economista y codirector del Centro de Investigación en Economía y Política, sobre las elecciones presidenciales en Argentina.
/ November 20, 2023 20 Noviembre 2023
Argentine Flag

Más de Argentina

Martín Guzmán: Entrevista con Ex Presidente de Ecuador, Rafael Correa

May 24, 2023 24 Mayo 2023

Las sobretasas del FMI: injustas y contraproducentes

, , and , , y / September 28, 2021 28 Septiembre 2021

CEPR examines how government policies affect growth, employment, prices, poverty and health in the world and US.


CEPR analiza cómo las políticas gubernamentales afectan el crecimiento, el empleo, los precios, la pobreza y la salud en el mundo y en EE. UU.


Lo último

June Jobs Preview: What to Expect in the June Jobs Report

CEPR Sanctions Watch June 2024

CEPR Statement: Disadvantaged Communities Need the Workforce Promotion and Access (WPA) Act

CEPR Statement: Disadvantaged Communities Need the Workforce Promotion and Access (WPA) Act

First Kenyan Forces Arrive in Haiti as Part of Latest Foreign Intervention

LGBT Workers Face Increased Economic Hardships, New Analysis Shows

Economic Precarity Among LGBT Workers

Why Is Chuck Schumer Refusing a Vote on the Child Tax Credit?

¿Qué está en juego en la XIII Conferencia Ministerial de la OMC en Abu Dhabi este mes?

El creciente peso de los sobrecargos del FMI: una estimación actualizada

Más DEG para América Latina y el Caribe: una oportunidad en tiempos de múltiples crisis

Entrevista con Mark Weisbrot sobre las elecciones en Argentina

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